Miss Havisham Moonlights …

Miss Havisham Moonlights …on the Next Episode of Marriage or Mortgage?

The water is out again
and I am

on my knees I beg you—
you snap back—

I snap, too. I have started
snapping faster. I have entered

the conversation of where
will we be

at any given moment. I am almost
thirty-eight and all of my hair

is self-hacked.
I am so fat now, patches
of stark colorless fur over
-take my skull and my gentle
wedding hat is sitting in a box
in a garage

somewhere, the delicate wedding
dress adorned with strange snakes
and giraffes

is filling with mold—wadded
into a ball—it’s too late
to invite anyone I would have.
At the very least

we could still
get the hell out of here before
we’re both dead.